What is MaketPlace?
A MarketPlace is an independent platform with several sellers who can sell their products through one integrated e-commerce web structure.
Our marketplace clients (vendors) sell products as vendors and pay commissions to the platform, on the products sold.

- As a seller, you collect independent customers in your shop.
- Customers buy products from you as a supplier, in exchange for a modest commission that you pay to the platform for your sales.
- The commission includes both the costs of the marketplace system/platform and the basic publication of your products on the main search platforms and social networks on the web.
- Each seller will automatically receive payment through their own personal payment system (gateway), such as Banca Sella, Stripe Payments, PayPal, Bank Transfer and others...
- For the products sold, each seller will be required to provide their own company/manufacturer guarantees for the products sold.
If you have any questions, we will be happy to help you.
Feel free to contact us!